• The GEARWURX ARM 3.0 improves on the ARM 2.0(DISCONTINUED) with better position sensors, more robust linear actuators, and more powerful motor controllers.



  • The GEARWURX ARM 3.0 improves on the ARM 2.0(DISCONTINUED) with better position sensors, more robust linear actuators, and more powerful motor controllers.
  • This 6 degree of freedom arm uses linear actuators and rotary servos to provide an operation envelope of over 7 ft in diameter.
  • Sealed ball bearings provide precision movement at each joint.
  • The lower 4 joints use absolute encoders for precise, linear control.
  • Typical current draw at full capacity is approximately 7 amps. Rotation speed of base joint is 60 degrees / second.
  • Wrist rotates 240 degrees in 2.3 seconds.
  • Gripper moves from fully open to  fully closed in less than 1 second.
  • A power switch with green LED “on” state indication is located on the electronics enclosure.
  • See below for mounting pattern and refer to datasheet below for signal pinout and additional information.

ARM 3.0 Closed-Loop Position Control:

  • All joints operate in a closed loop position control mode.
  • All joints are PWM ready if you choose to command from your microcontroller or from an RC radio.
  • All joints utilize absolute feedback.
  • This version of the ARM is best suited for applications where the ARM will be under computer control.
  • And where the computer will send a PWM command to the each joint of the ARM to go to a specific position.
  • The GEARWURX ARM 3.0 will then hold that position.

ARM 3.0 Open-Loop Velocity Control:

  • All joints in this version of the ARM operate in open-loop velocity mode.
  • This ARM is most friendly when using a joystick or radio control unit to allow a human operator to directly control the ARM.
  • This version of the GEARWURX ARM 3.0 can run out-of-the-box by connecting 12VDC power and any standard RC radio to the input connector.


  • Reach envelope: 86.6 in (2.2 m) diameter
  • Lift Capacity: 10 lbs (4.5 kg) at full extension
  • 6 Degrees of Freedom
  • Weight: 20.4 lbs (9.2 kg)
  • Interface: RC PWM
  • Holds position with power off
  • Input: 12 VDC, 7.5A Peak

Additional information



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