​ This circuit stacks featherweight solid-state batteries to boost voltage Samuel K. Moore is IEEE Spectrum’s semiconductor editor. Study authors Patrick Mercier [left] and Zixiao Lin verify the driving system…

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​ Our favorite jumping robot is hoping for a trip to Saturn’s icy moon Evan Ackerman is IEEE Spectrum’s robotics editor. LEAP, or "Legged Exploration Across the Plume," is a…

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​ Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos Evan Ackerman is IEEE Spectrum’s robotics editor. EPFL's shape-changing robot can handle all the terrains. EPFL Video Friday is your weekly selection…

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​ 2024 was the best year ever for robotics, which I’m pretty sure is not something that I’ve ever said before. But that’s the great thing about robotics—it’s always new,…

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​ Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for…

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​ Earlier this year, we reviewed the SwitchBot S10, a vacuuming and wet mopping robot that uses a water-integrated docking system to autonomously manage both clean and dirty water for…

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The existing Asimov’s Laws of Robotics require revision to effectively address the complexities of modern AI.

​ In 1942, the legendary science fiction author Isaac Asimov introduced his Three Laws of Robotics in his short story “Runaround.” The laws were later popularized in his seminal story…

Continue ReadingThe existing Asimov’s Laws of Robotics require revision to effectively address the complexities of modern AI.

​ Seabed observation plays a major role in safeguarding marine systems by keeping tabs on the species and habitats on the ocean floor at different depths. This is primarily done…

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