Robotics Aerial Robotics
- Robotics Aerial Robotics, How can we create agile micro aerial vehicles that are able to operate autonomously in cluttered indoor and outdoor environments.
- You will gain an introduction to the mechanics of flight and the design of quadrotor flying robots.
- And will be able to develop dynamic models, derive controllers, and synthesize planners for operating in three dimensional environments.
- You will be exposed to the challenges of using noisy sensors for localization and maneuvering in complex, three-dimensional environments.
- Finally, you will gain insights through seeing real world examples of the possible applications and challenges for the rapidly-growing drone industry.
- Mathematical prerequisites Students taking this course are expected to have some familiarity with linear algebra.
- Single variable calculus, and differential equations.
- Programming prerequisites: Some experience programming with MATLAB.
- Or Octave is recommended (we will use MATLAB in this course.) MATLAB will require the use of a 64-bit computer.
Introduction to Aerial Robotics
- Welcome to Week 1! In this week, you will be introduced to the exciting field of Unmanned Aerial Robotics (UAVs) and quadrotors in particular.
- You will learn about their basic mechanics and control strategies and realize.
- How careful component selection and design affect the vehicles’ performance.
- This week also provides you with instructions on how to download and install Matlab.
- This software will be used throughout this course in exercises and assignments.
- So it is strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with Matlab soon.
- Tutorials to help you get started are also provided in this week.
Advanced Topics
- So far, we have gone over the basics of developing linear controllers for quadrotors and motion planning.
- In this last week of the course, we will discuss some more advanced material on how to enable quadrotors.
- To perform more agile maneuvers and to operate autonomously in teams.
- Note that the last programming assignment on quadrotor control in three dimensions uses material from the previous weeks.
- It is strongly recommended to start the assignment as soon as possible.
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